Homeopathy is a 200 year-old system of medicine that is used around the world. It works by triggering the innate intelligence of the body. Homeopathic medicines act like a precise vaccine for the illness which the body, mind, or spirit is suffering from. It is unlike a vaccine because its mode of preparation dilutes it beyond where it can produce any side effects, making it safer than any other form of medicine.
Due to its diluted nature, Homeopathic medicines do not pollute the environment. In Canada, Homeopathic medicines are regulated by Health Canada and have their own Drug Identification Number.
What makes Homeopathy different from other systems of medicine?
Due to its high dilution factor, Homeopathy is non-toxic and does not interact with, and can be used in conjunction with, conventional, Chinese or Herbal medicine. Homeopathic medicines are thoroughly tested on healthy human beings so that all their effects are known. Homeopathy is distinguished from Naturopathy in that Naturopathic physicians train for the same four year duration in medicine, however, Naturopaths train in seven different modalities (including acupuncture, homeopathy, Chinese medicine, etc) while homeopaths learn medicine and homeopathy exclusively for 4 years.
Homeopathic medicine is integrated in the medical system in several European countries such as England, France and Germany. It is the number one system of medicine in India.
how does Homeopathy work?
Over 2,500 substances are diluted and succussed (shaken) and tested on healthy human beings (not animals), to discover their effects on every organ and system in the body, including the mind.
These effects are systematically recorded in books called Material Medica and indexed for use in the Homeopathic repertory.
When a Homeopathic doctor meets a person with those symptoms, the doctor gives that person a Homeopathic remedy that matches those symptoms. The Homeopathic remedies work by reminding the body to do what it is already designed to do naturally. If a flu virus inhabits the body, Homeopathy will trigger the immune pathways that can fight that virus.
Two different people suffering from the same virus or diagnosis will usually receive different Homeopathic remedies. This is because the Homeopathic doctor prescribes for a particular diagnosis or body part, but also takes into account a person’s unique makeup and expression of the illness – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Homeopathic medicine is particularly well suited to address illness when stress is a contributing factor. Homeopathic medicines are chosen for very specific causes of stress such as financial or business, sexual, emotional stress.
why is Homeopathy so special?
Homeopathy provides a safe, complementary alternative to conventional medicine where conventional medicine doesn't always provide a solution. Some examples include: influenza, mononucleosis, indigestion, heart burn, back pain, minor allergies, susceptibility to bronchitis, seasonal blues and melancholy, body aches, metabolism issues, focusing issues, heart palpitations, lingering cough. Many of these noted conditions are ones that people believe are permanent and cannot be alleviated.
Homeopathic medicines are not taken longterm. You take them for a few days only. Once your body feels better, it likes to stay remain that way eliminating the need for long-term use. .
Due to the high dilution factor of Homeopathic medicines, they are non-toxic and have no side effects.
In the case of cold or flu virus Homeopathic medicines work by stimulating your own immune system to fight a cold or flu virus. Once your body has done that your whole immune system becomes stronger. This makes it more resistant against other similar diseases in the future.