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To Your Good Health: Homeopathy for Healthy Living provides information from a homeopathic perspective on topics ranging from health issues in the news to homeopathic, dietary and lifestyle tips to enhance your health. I hope you enjoy them!

Fall Newsletter 2018
Find inside! Trip to from Italy to Prague, a chance to learn up-close about different cultures, lifestyle, food and wellness. All about beets, the ultimate green smoothie, taking control of your own heath through diet and lifestyle, and much more.

Spring Newsletter 2017
Find inside! In praise of salt, rejuvenating spring green juice, best Homeopathic remedy for sunburn, skin prep for summer, book recommendation from a doctor that provides a more balanced view on vaccines, a truly delicious kale salad with a healthy creamy dressing and much more.

Fall Newsletter 2016
Find inside! A totally different mindset to food and dieting which is healthy, slimming, time-tested and very french. How to use a Homeopathic first aid remedy to quickly lesson fear and trauma after any accident or shock to produce a better outcome.

Winter Newsletter 2014
Find inside! Positive changes in public policy from the Food and Drug Administration regarding the overuse of antibacterial soaps and learning about health coaching from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.

Summer Newsletter 2013
Find inside! Healthy protection from too much sun, and bug bites including mosquitoes. a cooling breakfast smoothie recipe packed with nutrition. A Homeopathic perspective on antibiotic resistant infections in the news section, and much more!

Fall Newsletter 2011
Find inside! The challenges of the returning to work and going back to school, homeopathic flu prevention and flu kit, and dealing with this stress using Homeopathic medicines, mindfulness, and delicious nutrition, featuring the best dahl ever.

Winter Newsletter 2009
Find inside! The outbreak of the H1N1 flu virus and immune building measures you can take to make your immune system as healthy as possible, using ginger, garlic, lemon, and homemade chicken soup, and other traditional, effective techniques.

Winter Newsletter 2007
Find inside! Having a strong immune system is essential for optimum health especially with current world health concerns. This first issue of the newsletter helps you to understand how your immune system works and how Homoeopathy can strengthen your immune system.