Harvard Study Has Good News for Homeopathic Medicine
The American Journal of Public Health has recently published a survey article out of Harvard that shows that homeopathic medicine, while still only used by a small fraction of the U.S. population, has jumped 15% in use. In addition, most users put homeopathy among the top 3 complementary and integrative strategies they use in their health care.
Treatment of acute childhood diarrhea with homeopathic medicine: Nicaragua
Acute diarrhea is the leading cause of pediatric morbidity and mortality worldwide. Oral rehydration treatment can prevent death from dehydration, but does not reduce the duration of individual episodes. Homeopathic treatment for acute diarrhea is used in many parts of the world. This study was performed to determine whether homeopathy is useful in the treatment of acute childhood diarrhea.
Integration of Homeopathy and Complementary Medicine in Tuscany
In the medieval town of Lucca, a big study just released which followed 5877 patients at the Lucca Hospital Homeopathic Clinic, showed not only how brilliantly Homeopathic medicines worked but particularly how well Homeopathy and and conventional worked together.
“Comparing the clinical conditions before and after homeopathic treatment, improvement was observed in 88.8% of general medicine patients with follow-up.”
In an observational study of 6544 consecutive patients during a 6-year period, and over 23,000 consultations, results showed that 70.7 % reported positive health changes, with 50.7 % recording their improvement as better or much better. Of the 1270 children that were treated 80.5 % had some improvement, and 65.8 % were better or much better.