TO contact or Schedule an appointment

Please email or call (250) 381 -8104. Appointments are available in person or by phone during clinic days in the Victoria area or by phone, Skype or FaceTime outside Victoria Monday through Friday.

Six weeks to better health!

The whole program takes six weeks and will show you that you can make significant changes to your health, your blood work, your weight, your mood and your energy!

I began the Health Counselling service over the summer. It has been very rewarding both for myself and my clients. I was inspired to train in health counselling to empower individuals to take more control over their own health whether that be weight loss, creating better health and nutrition practices for themselves and their families or to empower those who want to be healthier and happier in life (yes there is a connection!)

Here are just a few comments from Health Counselling clients so far:

"I weighed myself at the GP's office and was down 33 lbs."
"Just saw my GP and have lost 25 pounds, plus all bloodwork came back within normal range, including Hb A1C (diabetes marker)."
"No more stomach pains since I started Health Counselling.”

The process is not super hard, I promise, but it does require a commitment and a willingness to try!

initial consultation

Initial Consultation Services excluding medicines: $265.00 plus tax.

The initial consultation the first week includes the health questionnaire, initial appointment, and tailor made protocol designed specifically for you. The initial consultation either in person, on the phone, by Skype or FaceTime. A basic plan is given in writing after the initial consultation providing guidelines to follow throughout the first week. The focus will be on diet and lifestyle changes you can make that will make a big difference. 

The health counselling program starts with you filling in the health questionnaire with your heath goals (including medical history for new clients) and it will be reviewed extensively prior to meeting with me.

One of the ways of measuring the success of the health and life style coaching is understanding how it effects your blood. It is  useful is to have your blood work in advance and then to redo it at the end of 6 weeks to see the progress you have made.

FOllow-up appointments

Follow up appointments $165.00 each plus tax.

A week after you start health counselling, you will have a follow up consult which focuses on things you can do and add in to radically improve your health including recipes. You will receive a second written protocol after the consultation with these additions and recipes.

The next week’s consultation is a streamlining  process to tweak your program and make it even more effective based on your results so far.

Our third follow up, is our final assessment before you try it on your own for four weeks. We will ensure you are ready for this!

The next two weeks you will work on your own with me available to you whenever you need it for answers.

The sixth week is our final evaluation! We will look at your new blood work results, weight and attitude and you will receive a certificate that you have successfully completed the health counselling program.